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    Bloomz Blog


    Automatic Translation is Back!

    by Horacio Ochoa, on Jun 9, 2021 11:45:00 AM

    We have great news! Due to popular demand, the automatic translation feature is again available for all our premium users.

    Until now, if you had a preferred language set for your account, you could translate the posts and messages sent to you by clicking on a small text link next to the post to get the translated version of the content. Now, we've made it even easier for you and your recipients to get the content the way they want it.

    At the top of their Preferred Language settings, premium users will find a toggle to "Auto Translate Content". When turned on, all the content you receive will now be automatically translated for you to the language of your choosing. Once you receive content, you can always revert it back to its original language by clicking the "Original" text next to it:

    Translation Settings Animation

    All Notifications Translated

    Also with this new capability, all notifications sent to our premium users, whether it's email, App, or text, will be sent in their preferred language when Auto Translation is turned on. This way, English learners can receive all the content you send, and the notifications around it, in their preferred language.

    With additions like this we continue to add value to our premium subscription. We hope you enjoy!

    Topics:New FeaturesTranslationTechnology