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    Bloomz Blog


    Discussing Bloomz with a Principal in Lemoore, CA

    by Nathan Resick, on Dec 13, 2022 1:23:35 PM

    We sat down with Rhett Kenney, the principal at Meadow Lane Elementary located in Lemoore, California to discuss how switching to Bloomz has gone for his school so far.

    "One thing that's unique about our school and our district is during the pandemic we opened up for all our students, and we were in school full days, five days a week from that point forward. To go along with that, it was very important to have great lines of communication, and Bloomz really provided that for us.


    The app really was an invaluable tool, and it helped us have a clear line of communication between the school and all stakeholders. I think everybody always struggles with communication. It's one of the most important things that we have as humans. Right? Communicating with each other.

    But when you have an organization like a school, which has a lot of moving parts, it's very important to be able to have clear lines of communications with parents. In the past, we used School Messenger. We had a lot of teachers using ClassDojo AND Remind. Bloomz helped us to move all this communication into one space. So if there's a family that has a student in first grade, and another student in fourth grade, they don't have to manage two different communication apps. It's been great!