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    Tips for Improving Student Performance at the End of the Year

    by Amber Gunnels, on Apr 1, 2021 1:28:41 PM

    It is finally the fourth quarter at school-- students are ready for summer. Academic motivation for students may be low during this time of year, so here are some tips for students to stay academically strong until the very end.


    Showcase Student Achievements

    Students have been working extremely hard in school; so now is the time to showcase students’ yearly academic growth. Displaying student achievements gives students an opportunity to shine, and also gives parents and teachers an opportunity to praise students’ accomplishments. Student work can be displayed by creating yearly portfolios of students’ best work. Portfolios can contain test scores, student work samples, pictures of student project completions, and more.

    Set Goals

    At the beginning of the year, it is important for students to set goals. Students should have a plan for what they want to achieve short term and long term for academic success. Students can revisit long term goals throughout the year in order to stay on track. One way students can accomplish their goals is by keeping a recording sheet of their accomplishments throughout the year. This allows students to constantly focus on their end of year goals and achievements along the way.

    Start a Countdown

    Students can sometimes have a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when working hard to accomplish goals. Teachers can create a countdown calendar to help keep students in a positive spirit and working hard towards finishing dates. An example of a countdown calendar is an advent calendar. An advent calendar allows teachers to make the countdown fun and engaging for students through stressful times of academic practice.

    Have an End of Year Celebration

    Creating an end of year celebration can be something students look forward to for working hard throughout the year and meeting academic goals. Celebrations can include but are not limited to field days, pizza celebrations, ice cream parties, and more. These activities can give students an extra boost of excitement that may be needed towards the end of the year.

    What other tips do you have? Add them in the comments below!

    Topics:Student PortfoliosEnd of School YearStudent TimelinesMotivation