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    Bloomz Blog


    Why this Teacher Switched from ClassDojo to Bloomz

    by Horacio Ochoa, on May 12, 2021 4:55:00 PM

    We are always excited to hear from teachers when they tell us they love Bloomz. It builds on our confidence that we're working on the right things and helping educators better communicate with their school community. Every once in a while, someone will write to us with such excitement that we have to share with everyone. This is the case of Donna Bumgarner, who recently told us her story about why she switched from ClassDojo to Bloomz and who agreed for us to publish her story. Here is what she had to say about this:

    Bloomz has been my choice as a communication tool for five out of the pass 6 years I have been teaching PreK in a public school. Parent engagement is an important part of school life and Bloomz allows parents to be involved. Parents are able to communicate with each other and do things such as make play dates, ask questions about school functions, and grow as a community.

    When COVID -19 forced our class to become a remote learning community, parent engagement was even more important. Bloomz allowed families to post pictures of children doing assignments, playing outside, and keeping in touch as a neighborhood.

    Several years ago, I tried Class Dojo for parent communication. The restriction on parents being able to provide input, add pictures, and communicate with each other harmed the classroom family feel that we strive for each year. Instead of binding us together as a community, it kept the class segregated. As an educator working with families and children for 29 years I know when families are involved and supported then children feel a sense of belonging and strive to do their best." 


    Donna Bumgarner M.Ed.
    NC PreK Teacher
    Granite Falls Elementary



    Thank you for sharing your story with us, Donna. We appreciate you.

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