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    3 Things I Did On Bloomz to Save Time

    by Jude Miqueli, on Feb 27, 2018 6:34:26 PM

    The latest Bloomz premium feature, Engagement Reports, shows teachers how much time they've saved.  I was surprised and delighted to find out I've saved more than fifty hours by using Bloomz this year! In my experience Bloomz saves me time because I have all the aspects of communication in one place. For example messaging with parents, setting up conferences, coordinating field trips, and asking for volunteers are all tasks I take care of with Bloomz. Having sign-up tools saves time because I don’t need to go back and forth with emails coordinating dates. That's just one example!

    Here are three things I've posted on Bloomz last week that made my life easier.

    1. My Philosophy of Math Education Parents appreciated knowing more about my philosophy around math instruction last week. I know I explained it during orientation but there's so much information in the beginning of the year it's important to revisit each component to education piece-by-piece as the year continues. Rather than answering multiple parent questions regarding the same topic, I made one post to inform my whole parent group. Bloomz lets me know how many people viewed it AND I received positive feedback in the comments. This type of overarching educational philosophy post gives parents a deeper insight behind my instruction so that they have more information as to why we are doing some of the things we do in my class for the rest of the year. Questions they don't even know they have yet are answered!Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 5.30.30 PMScreen Shot 2018-02-11 at 5.30.37 PM
    2. 100th Day of School Announcement The infamous and patiently awaited 100th day of school is coming up so I posted an announcement with details on my Bloomz newsfeed. I have specified a period of time for this announcement to stay at the top of my news feed so that it will be the first thing parents see. Announcements save me time because they stay posted to the top of my newsfeed for maximum viewing. I know that I won't need to spend extra time re-informing parents because they will not miss this post. Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 6.18.33 PM
    3. Room Parent Party Planning Talk about time saved! My room parent organized our Valentine's Day treat without ANY of my help at all! She made a post and received a volunteer that same day. No coordination or communication on my end what-so-ever. Thanks to Bloomz room parent roles I get to show up on Valentine's day to a healthy special treat with no planning time spent.Screen Shot 2018-02-11 at 6.27.02 PM

    How exactly has Bloomz saved you time? What have you posted to your parent group that has made your life easier? Please comment with your experiences in the section below.


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