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    5 Changes in Education That Are Here to Stay After the Pandemic

    by Crystal Gammon, on May 18, 2021 11:54:35 AM

    In the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the landscape of education has changed. But, while some of the changes were temporary, many changes are here to stay.

    Education is constantly evolving, but the 2020-2021 school year has forced school districts to update technology and move education into the future. Teachers are constantly being challenged to improve learning outcomes and use digital tools like Bloomz to track student progress and communicate with families. And. while everyone is ready for life to return to normal, education will be forever changed.


    Here are just a few of the changes that you can expect to remain.

    • Attitudes toward virtual learning- For decades, teachers have had negative attitudes toward virtual learning for elementary, middle, and high school students. After this year, though, attitudes about virtual learning have changed. Teachers are starting to see progress and value in digital resources and online learning.
    • Resources are going digital- The days of making hundreds of copies of worksheets and anchor charts are a thing of the past. With tools like Bloomz, we can enhance learning outcomes by sharing digital resources, uploading teaching videos, and provide links to technology.
    • Parents expect more transparent communication- In years past, parents have often found it challenging to find time to volunteer in their child’s classroom or get to know parents. Now, we are being invited into their homes through virtual learning. This has helped increase communication between parents and teachers as we have time to discuss student progress and just have a friendly chat with families. Education has become a family affair! With Bloomz, this vital element of education can remain. We can share videos and photos of what students are learning, send and receive messages from parents, and update parents quickly on their child’s progress.
    • Equity in education is the Goal- If this year has taught us anything, it is that children will have different access to education, different access to resources, and diverse learning needs. This year, teachers made more efforts to meet the needs of all learners by providing just the right support through multiple platforms. Whether it is virtual learning, in-person learning, sharing resources, and communication through Bloomz, teachers have worked hard to make education equitable and fair for all learners.
    • Partnering With Parents- Ask any teacher and they will tell you that this year could not have been successful without a close partnership with parents. We have relied on their support at home whether our students are learning from home or in person. We have relied on constant communication to make sure our students do not fall behind this year. With Bloomz, this can be a change that will stay long after the pandemic is over.

    No matter what is on the horizon for education, teachers will rise to meet the challenges. Together with parents, we can make sure that students are always learning, growing, and prepared for a world in the digital age.

    Topics:Back to SchoolPandemicedtechTechnology