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    Bloomz Blog


    Age-Appropriate Themes

    by Sahana Hegde, on Sep 11, 2023 8:30:00 PM

    Bloomz has integrated a robust PBIS behavior management system, which empowers schools to prevent negative behaviors by promoting positive behavior. Bloomz behavior tracking has multiple age-appropriate themes like flowers, monsters, and neutral. The age-appropriate themes come with numerous visual options based on students’ preferences.

    Visual animations are also available to keep students engaged in their academic progress. The feature also comes with optional audio cues that can be used if an educator uses class points to award their students. Educators can remove or add points in the app whenever they believe their students deserve it. 

    Bloomz's age-appropriate themes also allow educators to build different groups of students within classes to encourage collaboration and socialization among students. Educators can make collaboration fun by promoting healthy classroom competition to motivate students to continue working hard. This can be groups created for class assignments or to reach specific behavior goals set by educators.

    Educators can set daily or long-term goals for their students to be able to view as well, making their class progress visually available. With Bloomz's age-appropriate themes, educators can use age-specific themes that resonate with their students. This keeps students motivated and excited about their studies. Visual themes not only enhance the learning experience, but also contribute to the overall development of children, making education an exciting and meaningful journey for every child.