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    Bloomz Blog


    by Jude Miqueli, on Mar 21, 2018 2:11:37 PM

    It's not something every elementary teacher sets out to address but it does come up, especially for third graders towards the end of the year. Last week I noticed a …

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    Topics:elemedAwardsPEGuest PostedtechBehavior TrackingphysicaleducationhealthtechTechnology

    by Jude Miqueli, on Mar 7, 2018 5:19:13 PM

    What sets Bloomz apart from other parent teacher communication apps? It's the fact that it is all encompassing. Bloomz incorporates every aspect of communication a teacher needs to effectively connect …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementphotosGuest Postclassroom communityschool communicationStudent PortfoliosTips & TricksStudent TimelinesVideo

    by Jude Miqueli, on Mar 5, 2018 4:50:10 AM

    Students across the country are examining the changing cultural perceptions of women in society and honoring their contributions to all aspects of life. The theme of this year's International Women's …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementiwdInternational Women's Daybeboldforchangepressforprogress