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    Bloomz Vs Remind: Why Bloomz Outshines Remind as the Ultimate Parent Communication App

    by Nathan Resick, on Sep 21, 2023 7:18:35 PM

    When it comes to parent communication apps, Remind has long been a popular choice among educators for its robust messaging tools. However, the app lacks a number of essential features that school admins and teachers have come to rely upon.

    bloomz vs remind

    External Calendar Import/Sync: Teachers often struggle with keeping parents updated on important school events and deadlines. Bloomz solves this problem effortlessly by allowing the import and sync of external calendars. Teachers can seamlessly integrate class schedules, assignment due dates, and extracurricular activities into one shared calendar, ensuring parents are always up-to-date and never miss an important event.

    Volunteer Signups: Unlike Remind, Bloomz recognizes the importance of parental involvement in school activities by allowing volunteer signups. With Bloomz's built-in volunteer sign-up feature, teachers can create and share sign-up sheets for class parties, field trips, and other events, allowing parents to sign up and contribute in a streamlined manner quickly. 

    Student Portfolios: Bloomz student portfolio lets teachers publicly or privately share individual student progress, photos, and achievements with parents. Parents can then actively participate in their child's educational journey, celebrating successes and getting that ever important "glimpse" into their children's lives at school.

    PBIS Behavior Management: Bloomz delivers a comprehensive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) management system. Teachers can easily monitor and document student behavior, keep parents informed, and reinforce positive actions, fostering a collaborative approach towards behavior management.

    With Bloomz, you have access to advanced PBIS Behavior Management Features, Including:

    • Behavior Tracking in Class or Anywhere in School
    • Set Goals and Track Against Goals
    • Upload Audio and Images for Higher Engagement
    • Learning Tools for all Ages, age-appropriate themes
    • The ability to create teams within specific Classrooms
    • School-wide Standards Settings
    • Flag Automation System for Giving Feedback
    • Record Behavior Information for Any Student Across Different Dimensions

    Attendance Management: Bloomz simplifies attendance management by introducing an intuitive system with customizable settings. Teachers can easily track attendance, note absences, and send automated notifications to parents, ensuring everyone is on the same page with regard to student attendance.

    While Remind may have been a mainstay in many schools in the past, the lack of PBIS tools and the clunk interface has been pushing a lot of schools and districts to look for other solutions. From advanced contact validation to integrated volunteer signups, student portfolios, PBIS behavior management, and attendance tracking, Bloomz offers an all-encompassing solution that elevates parent-teacher collaboration. With Bloomz, communication becomes seamless, and engagement soars.