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    Bloomz Blog


    Chatting with Danielle Mack, Head of School of Ethos Classical Charter School in Atlanta, GA

    by Nathan Resick, on Mar 20, 2023 6:36:54 PM

    danielleRecently we sat down with Danielle Mack, Head of School of Ethos Classical Charter School in Atlanta, Georgia. Danielle and Ethos were looking for a platform that would allow them to communicate school-wide easily. Their team came together about a month or two ago to look at different communication app options.

    "Several platforms were suggested, but many required us to use additional apps to provide a complete picture of what it means to be a student at our school. Then we discovered Bloomz and were impressed by its features (particularly the PBIS feature, which is essential for us to use as a PBIS school.) We want to celebrate our scholars for doing the right thing, and Bloomz allows us to do that while also providing messaging to families and showcasing the great things our scholars are doing during the day.

    We were also pleased that Bloomz didn't require yet another app for our families to download. After researching the website and meeting with the sales team, Bloomz was the right fit for us, as it aligned with our care for our families and our desire to be effective and efficient. 

    The Bloomz sign-up calendar was an enormous appeal, as we have volunteer opportunities and events going on all the time. We also liked the messaging feature and the fact that it looks like social media platforms that many of our families are already familiar with. Bloomz allows them to communicate in subgroups, larger groups, and classroom bases without creating additional groups, which is excellent.

    Finally, using Bloomz to send out emergency communications is appealing, as it allows us to send notifications via text, email, and notification quickly and easily. We love that!"