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    Bloomz Blog


    Getting the Complete Picture with Administrator Reports

    by Nathan Resick, on Jul 3, 2023 4:13:00 PM

    As a school or district administrator, you are tasked with managing a plethora of information daily. From tracking attendance and behavior, to engaging with parents and teachers - the amount of data can be overwhelming. That's where our Administrator Reports tool comes in handy.

    With Bloomz, administrators can easily find the information they need to analyze or monitor data in real time with continually updated and easy-to-understand reports. With complete oversight of classrooms and communications, nothing is out of reach. You can access these reports at the district or school level in the Reports tab of the Bloomz app.


    The Engagement Report is a great way to monitor teacher usage and engagement. This report calculates usage in Bloomz from the teacher classroom or community based on selected dates, including a breakdown of posts, media posts, event posts, behavior awards, portfolio posts, conferences, volunteer signups, likes/comments, and messages. By reviewing staff usage and engagement, schools and districts can identify how successful communication efforts are and where they need to focus more attention.

    The Behavior Report allows administrators to analyze data across various dimensions, such as trends by classes, staff, students, interactions, and by locations. All reports can be downloaded in CSV format for further analysis.

    The Attendance Report is an easy way to monitor attendance across all your classrooms in one view, with week-by-week report access.
    The Health Report keeps administrators on top of their community's health to spot potential outbreaks. By simplifying health screening processes for all members with customizable forms, question categorization, automated alerts for positive submissions, and detailed administrator reports, administrators can stay informed of potential health risks and take proactive measures.

    Schedule a demo today to see how Bloomz can benefit your school or district!