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    A Chat with Mallory Miller

    by Nathan Resick, on Jun 13, 2022 7:09:38 PM

    Recently we sat down with Mallory Miller, the principal of Pioneer Elementary, in Gilbert, Arizona. The school has 400-450 pre-K through 6th-grade students. 

    mallory"We are a title 1 campus, which means 35% of our families or higher are qualified for free and reduced lunch status. We get additional federal funding to have different programs on our campus. Our school hosts math specialists, and reading specialists. I have an ESL program on campus. I have a gifted program. I have three self-contained special education classrooms on my campus. We offer different specials, band, art, strings, PE, and general music. So we have quite a plethora of programs that offer our families resources. 

    We needed an effective communication platform to tie everything together and help with all these programs and classes. What I learned using the Remind app, was that these provided a two-way communication between families, but it did not provide the school-wide communication we needed. Classdojo did have the option when I looked into it as a school-wide, but then I saw that families had to pay for it on their end if they wanted to access it. Being a targeted school where I know a lot of our families are of low socioeconomic status, that's the last thing I want to ask, is for them to now take on another subscription to join forces with us.

    If someone were in my shoes, I would 100% recommend they try Bloomz. I did a lot of due diligence before signing up for Bloomz, looking into quite a few platforms. The features Bloomz has, especially the PBIS features are incredible!"
