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    Bloomz Blog


    Multifaceted Communication in a Kindergarten Setting

    by Kristy Chandler, on Mar 11, 2021 4:15:00 PM

    As a parent, all I wanted was for my kid’s teachers to communicate well with me. So when I became a teacher this is one thing that I wanted to focus on. I take pride in knowing that my parents have all the information, whether it's how their student did on a particular day, things that are happening in the community or at school or if we just have a special event coming up in the classroom. Bloomz has made it so easy and parent friendly to do this. Where a teacher in the past, may have used a messaging app to remind parents of an event, and then another app to sign up for items needed, Bloomz has combined these two features into one amazing one and more!


    Being a kindergarten teacher, sometimes we get parents that are more emotional than the students on the first day of school. I have had to console numerous parents throughout my years of teaching. One thing they love, is that I send pictures throughout the day. I like that you can create albums and keep all your pictures organized. The year is not even over yet and I have taken close to 600 pictures for parents! This allows parents to have a peek into our everyday/weekly life at school. They also tend to make great conversation starters for home.

    The messaging feature is AMAZING too! I use it in so many ways, either by messaging one parent at a time to discuss their little ones or to reach out to the entire class of parents for reminders or school news. The app is so convenient when you download it to your phone, because in this day and age, really, who doesn’t have their phone on them all the time? Also any school flyers that go home I end up taking a quick pic of them and sending that out too because you never really know what actually makes it home with a kindergartner.

    Parents in my class get an inside look into how their student is doing with the behavior aspect of it. When the student reaches their goal a notification goes out to the parents automatically. I have had several parents then message me back saying congratulations to their kiddo! This shows the student, that WE are all on the same page and communicating. On the other hand, you can deduct points from their goal if they are misbehaving. Again parents can see this too. In the end though, these are all ways to communicate efficiently with your parents and communication is what is BEST for all students!

    • Photo by CDC on Unsplash
    Topics:parent communicationKindergarten