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    Chatting with Ralph Lovelidge, School Principal at Lindley Academy in Allentown, PA

    by Nathan Resick, on Nov 16, 2022 4:12:16 PM

    We recently sat down to talk to Ralph Lovelidge, a middle school principal at Lindley Academy in Allentown, PA.

    We're a school of 750 students, 250 of which are in middle school. We were looking for a way to communicate pertinent information to parents in various formats immediately. We needed a communication medium that would allow us to do that, and when we came upon Bloomz, we found exactly what we had been seeking.


    With Bloomz, you could text immediately, email, or get information out there on Instagram and Facebook. That kind of multi-channel communication has been very useful in getting a response from parents.

    The PBIS tools have also been fantastic. It's been helpful to say to students, "I'm going to give you points since you put forth a great effort on the essay assignment today, or you went the extra step on that math problem, or thank you for helping this job with their homework."   

    The Bloomz parent conference tool is also helping us a lot right now because I can send out daily reminders. For the last conference we set up, we had 550 or so parents that were possible participants. Ultimately we had just over 400 participants (which is an excellent response level.) You can see in the dashboard that the parents have received the messages, which has been great. Bloomz is definitely one of those tools where the more you use it, the more parents become involved.