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    Sharing Power in our Schools With the Help of the PTA

    by Brianna Richard, on Jul 14, 2021 3:10:26 PM

    The old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child,” rings true to every aspect of a child’s life, including a child’s education. The education of children is a partnership. It is a partnership between parents, family members, teachers, administrators, and members of the greater community. In this partnership it is important that lines of communication are open, everyone is working together, and that there is an equal distribution of power. How can schools, parents, and the PTA work to share power and collaborate as a team for our students? Here are five ways to make it happen and have a successful school year.

    hannah-busing-Zyx1bK9mqmA-unsplashPhoto by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

    Amplifying the Family’s Voice

    Now more than ever it is important that parents and families have a voice in the school. That goal is unachievable unless families choose to participate, join groups like the PTA, and attend important school meetings where decision-making is taking place. Sharing power is a two-way street. It is up to the school to provide opportunities for parents to share their opinions and it is up to the parents to show up and make their voice known.

    Working Towards Equality

    Equity is a goal that should be at the top of everyone’s list. It is up to groups like the PTA, teachers, and families to work together towards equity. Families can work together to create carpool lists so that all students can have access to afterschool activities. Parent groups can brainstorm solutions for issues like attendance, gathering school supplies, and getting all children access to what they need in order to be successful.

    Creating Parent Leadership Teams

    Parent leadership teams should include parents from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. Team meetings and opportunities to participate should be all different times and days of the week so that everyone can participate. With the beginning of the school year just around the corner, it is the perfect time to find a way to get everyone involved.

    Working with Local Officials

    The village should include the whole village, even if they don’t actively have children present at the school! The PTA can involve local law enforcement, elected government officials, and community leaders in school decision-making. The greater the support, the more opportunities for students to be successful.

    Creating an Effective Team of Leaders

    It is up to the PTA to ensure parents are participating in leadership groups. Creating memos in different languages can be easily done through Bloomz translation tool and posted instantly so that all parents can feel involved. The PTA can provide training for parents who want to get involved at the beginning of the year. School leaders and the PTA can have a “back to school meet and greet” in which problems are addressed and solutions are brainstormed.

    Sharing power is all about working together, communicating effectively, and being a team. Have any other ideas on how to help students reach their full potential through the help of a collaborating community? Share them below!


    Topics:Parental EngagementPTA