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    Bloomz Blog


    Short and Long Term Applications of Behavior Tracking in the Classroom

    by Melissa Axt, on May 25, 2021 12:58:22 PM

    Behavior tracking within a classroom is an important daily tool that I've also found it to be important to have in a long-term situation.


    Daily, I track my students positive and negative behaviors. Bloomz has made it easy to customize the awards to be given to students. I create a generic set at the beginning of the year such as following directions, walking in the hallway, or the opposite of not completing these tasks. As the year progresses, I add specific behavioral areas we are working on such as manners or keeping our hands to self. Students earn or loose points throughout the day.


    I begin the year with a small goal such as earning five points throughout the day. As the year goes along, I work the point total up to 10. Students who meet their goal for the day earn a prize from the prize box. My families are all members of Bloomz, so they can check on their child’s behavior throughout the day. I can message back and forth with parents about exactly what is happening with their child’s behavior. I make a point to also send home special messages to families telling them about positive behaviors.

    When I look at the long-term benefits to using Bloomz, I know I have a documented resource of the child’s daily behaviors. I have been able to print out documentation of behaviors to use for meetings on a child’s behaviors. This documentation can show both trends and specifics when looking at the patterns of behaviors of students that may need further assistance. Overall, Bloomz behavior tracking is an amazing tool for all educational needs.

    How else do you use behavior tracking in your classroom? Share your experience in the comments below.

    Topics:BehaviorBehavior Tracking