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    Teacher Appreciation Featured Teacher: Liz Hobbs & Kristine Isaacson

    by Bloomz, on May 7, 2015 3:04:08 AM

    This is our fourth installment in a special series of articles we prepared for Teacher Appreciation Week, recognizing amazing educators who make a difference in the life of students.  If you have any suggestions, stories you want to share, please email us at:

    Today’s post actually comes from our CEO’s family.  Their daughter Sreshta is in a Quest program at a local public school- Louisa May Alcott.  They have been so impressed by their daughter’s teachers- they wanted to make sure they were featured in our Bloomz Blog for Teacher Appreciation Week.  I have asked Sreshta’s mom Jyothsna to introduce these two amazing women and educators…

    Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs. Issacson are two wonderful teachers. They teach 4th/5th grade Quest in Alcott elementary. We are so lucky that our daughter Sreshta is in their class.

    Mrs. Hobbs is Sreshta’s Class teacher and she has been providing her an environment at school which is helping her shape into a confident individual. She has helped her realize her strengths and weaknesses in both academic and life skills. She has also encouraged her to come up with a plan on how she can improve, through goal setting exercises. She has been a role model for Sreshta on how to conduct herself as an individual. We love you Mrs.Hobbs for everything you do for Sreshta and the rest of the children in your class. Go Huskies!!!!

    Mrs. Issacson has been Sreshta’s Math teacher this year and in Sreshta’s words, “She is amazing!!!” Sreshta loves to work with her as she makes math a fun learning experience. She pays individual attention to her in areas of math where she has difficulty. Mrs.Issacson- your warmth and amicability is infectious.

    A big thank you to both of you!!!

    Read their own words on how both became educators, as well as what advice they have for  parents and teachers.

    Liz Hobbs

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    I knew at a young age that I wanted to become a teacher. “Playing school” was one of my favorite games when I was young. I would often ask my brother or my younger cousins to be my students, and I would play the teacher role. Another inspiration was my mother, who is also an elementary school teacher. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Lemke, stands out as one of my favorite teachers ever, as she knew how to make each student feel special and important. One of the funniest memories I have of teaching is one year when I taught sixth grade, and one of my students “accidentally” brought his hamster to school in his pocket! I’ll never forget that moment!

    My advice to parents is to try not to rescue your child from mistakes. It’s important for kids to learn from their mistakes early on, and to be able to recover from failure. I would tell aspiring teachers that this career is not easy, but it is one of the most rewarding professions out there. This is also what I love about teaching; it provides a constant challenge, and yet I learn so much from my students each and every day.

    Bloomz has been invaluable to my classroom this year. I have been able to ask for parent volunteers and organizers with ease, and schedule conferences using an efficient and fair process. Bloomz is the ultimate teacher tool!

    Kristine Isaacson

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    I was largely inspired to become a teacher by my 4th and 5th grade teachers who integrated art, Shakespearean drama and hands-on science into the classroom. My mom was a kindergarten teacher so her example also helped me gravitate to the teaching profession. I’ve always loved the energy and enthusiasm of children and working with them to develop their minds and hearts is an extremely rewarding profession.

    One very satisfying aspect of teaching is watching the children develop intellectually and socially over the nine months they are in my class. From such mundane learning assignments as oral book reports to the lifelong memories of exciting projects like the Art Museum and the Civil War simulation, watching my students learn and grow is a treat!

    My best advice to parents is to help your children grow in independence and the ability to demonstrate grit and resiliency in all they do.  They will need these skills in our ever changing world.

    Thank you Ladies for all that you do!!

    Topics:Teacher AppreciationTeacher Appreciation Week