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    Teachers Truly Value Volunteers!

    by Jude Miqueli, on Aug 31, 2017 10:33:19 PM

    A parent volunteer's enthusiasm and energy makes an impact in the students' experience. Each parent has a special gift to contribute to the classroom. Some have time to show up and teach a craft while others can provide items for group projects.

    As volunteer needs arise, post a sign-up on Bloomz to encourage community participation. I use sign-ups for different things throughout the year. For example, at the end of last year my grade level team decided to organize a field day. We wanted to make tie-dye shirts for each class. My class colors were red and blue so I put the dye on a sign-up and boom! We had red and blue shirts by the end of that week!

    Field Trips

    Create a sign-up for your field trip by clicking "Volunteer" and "Need People". When you invite parents you can choose whether or not you'd prefer they receive a notification. As parents sign up they can add notes which helps you organize your trip. Red text will show you how many volunteers you still need.
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    If you have the same parents signing up and you want to give others more time, let the families know that they are signing up with the stipulation that you are giving parents who haven't gone on trips priority.  This will make it easier to ensure everyone has the opportunity to volunteer in their child's class. As a teacher you have the ability to rearrange volunteer sign-ups.

    Class Parties

    My favorite first grade student suggestion for next year is "Can we have more parties, more shade, and more cake?" Note taken! And with the Bloomz sign-up tool parties no longer have 6 sets of cupcakes and no plates.


    Reading Volunteers

    Parent readers are a teachers dream come true. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for every parent who has graced my classroom with their literacy assistance. Not only is it beneficial  because of the one-on-one support but students are excited and proud to see family members as part of their classroom. It boosts student engagement and contributes to positive student behavior. If you have readers come in weekly to read one-on-one with students Bloomz give you the option to schedule a reoccurring event. How about a weekly mystery reader? Post every available date at the beginning of the year and students will be surprised with a parent read aloud. Switches are easy among families when something comes up.

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    Needed Items

    Googly eyes, wet wipes, glue sticks oh my! There are the essentials and then there are random things we end up on wild goose chases for when we should be eating lunch.

    For needed items just post a sign-up on Bloomz. And remember eat your lunch, drink water, and go to the bathroom! The puff balls can wait.

    Home Visits 

    Before the school year starts create a sign-up with dates you have available to visit your new students. The family teacher connection is strengthened when teachers go above and beyond to visit students at home. This is especially helpful for kindergartners and special needs students.


    We can't go through the day without snack! Many behavior management situations arise due to a hungry belly. Post a snack sign up at the beginning of the year to assure student brains are fully functioning each day. Parents can choose a week and sign up on the calendar.

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    Parent Experts

    Parents have valuable skills and expertise to bring to your classroom. You might get a banjo playing parent give a concert or a power point presentation of a trip to Germany. Whatever their specialty may be it is certain to broaden the cultural experience within your classroom. Create a repeating monthly volunteer sign-up for your parent experts.

    Your students are ready and waiting!


    Photo of Sarah Dries

    With parent volunteers a classroom becomes healthier and a dedicated community develops. Don't forget to recognize their efforts and thank volunteers in your weekly Bloomz updates. You can do this on the newsfeed or create an appreciation party to recognize their work. Check out these volunteer appreciation ideas on Pinterest.

    Get to know your parent volunteers interests, availability, and skills. Volunteers who help in ways that they love are more likely to return and sign-up again. What do you use the Bloomz volunteer sign-up feature for? Please comment in the section below.

    Topics:Parental EngagementSignupsGuest Postvolunteers