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    How the PTA Can Use Communication to Empower Your Teachers and Parents

    by Crystal Gammon, on Jun 22, 2021 5:45:02 PM

    Every school relies on communication to engage families. Likewise, your school depends on the PTA to encourage family participation. Bloomz can help your PTA or PTO use communication to increase engagement with your community.


    Why is it essential to empower your school’s PTA?

    Your school PTA is a powerful tool. Your school’s PTA is responsible for raising money and funding programs and resources that benefit every child. The PTA also communicates essential information to the families and community about events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers to benefit every child enrolled in your school.

    How can your school PTA communicate effectively to parents and the community?

    • Use Bloomz to communicate on multiple platforms- Make communicating on all platforms easier with Bloomz. For example, your school PTA can communicate with more people faster by creating a post on Bloomz and sharing the post on Facebook. This saves time and allows your PTA to communicate with more people at once.
    • Keep the communication short and sweet- Parents live busy lives. Studies show that people do not like to read long posts (Hammer, 2017). You must get the vital information to your families in a short and sweet post. Use bullet points, headers, and catchy post titles to keep families engaged.
    • Communicate to all families- Ensure that you are sharing information that every family can read. Create your posts so that your non-native English speakings families can participate, too! Invite linguistically diverse families to be a part of the PTA. Use Bloomz' automatic translation feature to help translate communication to other linguistically diverse families.
    • Communicate about fundraisers- Fundraisers are essential to providing vital resources to your students and teachers. Use Bloomz to communicate with families and the community about fundraisers. Recruit volunteers, ask for donations, and share updates on how your school uses your school fundraisers to benefit students and teachers.
    • Use visuals as attention grabbers- Parents are busy all the time. Technology brings communication to us in many ways. However, this also means that parents are being bombarded with communication from text messaging, spam emails, and telemarketers. Your communication must stand out. Use visuals to capture the attention of your families. Use photos, clipart, and flyers in your communication to quickly capture the parents’ attention and entice them to read the post.
    • Make communication dependable- Try to communicate at the same time, consistently. If you need to send weekly communication to parents about a fundraiser or event, make sure to send the message on the same day at the same time. This will give your families something to rely on and assure readers will read your posts more often.

    How does your school PTA use Bloomz to communicate with your families? Tell us in the comments.


    • Hammer, D. (2017, November 9). Why shorter emails work (Plus Copywriting tips). Retrieved from
    Topics:school communicationPTA