School Communication App Roundup
by Srishti Mangal, on Jun 23, 2022 5:23:52 PM
With the recent surge in students staying home and taking online classes it is now more critical than ever for parents, teachers, and students to stay connected. Teachers are relying on these school communication apps to serve as a platform where they can seamlessly connect with students’ parents and communicate with the click of a button. The following parent teacher communication apps make it easier for students, teachers, and parents to actively engage with each other.
Bloomz has emerged as one of the most popular parent teacher communication apps that has nurtured a place where parents feel more connected than they ever have to their children’s world. It has proven to save teachers lots of time in all parent communications while also enforcing a supportive community in a classroom. This parent communication app has a plethora of advanced features that no other app has yet to offer, including school robo-dialing with voice recording.
Robocalling is a feature that allows administrators to share audio recordings and text-to-speech messages with parents and students at the click of a button. The app also has the ability to send customized voice recording in 140+ different languages to ensure that all parents can receive the message in their preferred language. The biggest advantage of Bloomz is that it makes it much easier for teachers to communicate with parents and keep them in the loop about their child’s education. Through this app, schools can provide a more reliable, effective, and efficient way to disseminate information and facilitate higher engagement between school and home. Bloomz also doesn’t have any paid features and offers a free version.
Bloomz also has the best PBIS features. A positive behavior management system is a proactive approach used by schools to help all students be successful. Build your school community through open communication and positive reinforcement with Bloomz' Behavior and Reports features. The app has everything you need to track, analyze, and reward students' behavior.

Classdojo also serves as a classroom and communication management platform between teachers and students. It connects primary school teachers, students, and families through communication features, such as a feed for photos and videos from the school day, and messaging that can be translated – but only up to about 35 languages. The classroom communication app has been designed to aid teachers in improving their students’ behavior and communicate more effectively with parents.
With this app, you can share feedback with your students and encourage classroom and school values, like a digital high-five. However, many teachers feel that this is app isn’t really geared for older students and is mostly targeted for elementary students. As well as many of the necessary features to communicate with parents are paid which makes it frustrating for some educators.
ParentSquare is a multipurpose teacher communication app that fosters parent engagement and involvement. It helps streamline communication among administrators, teachers, staff and parents. It has a multitude of capabilities including facilitation of communication, collaboration, and increase family interactions in schools. It is a safe and secure platform for all school-to-home communication and its variety of features keeps everyone connected, creating a vibrant school community. Many users have noted that this application can become confusing to use and the user interface is not accessible. Some teachers have also noticed that it is missing the majority of features that other school communication apps have.