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    by LaTrice Lyle, on May 31, 2024 11:17:40 AM

    In today’s dynamic educational landscape, the connection between schools and their communities has never been more critical. A yearlong stakeholder engagement plan is a strategy and a roadmap for fostering …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementCommunity SupportcommunityPositive CommunicationDistrict Communication

    by Ellen Ullman, on Mar 26, 2024 11:06:53 AM

    If you’re looking to develop robust connections with the families of your students, understanding the critical role of relational trust is paramount, according to Vito Borrello, executive director of the …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementFamily Contact

    by Ellen Ullman, on Feb 6, 2024 11:21:18 AM

    “Schools have great stories to tell, but we get busy doing other things and storytelling goes on the back burner,” says Jake Sturgis, APR, founder and CEO of Captivate Media, …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementVideoDistrict Communication

    by Jessica King, on Nov 18, 2021 4:43:32 PM

    It’s great to share pictures with parents. Many teachers and schools understand this, as is demonstrated in the vast majority now using social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook …

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    Topics:Parental Engagementphotos

    by Brianna Richard, on Jul 14, 2021 3:10:26 PM

    The old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child,” rings true to every aspect of a child’s life, including a child’s education. The education of children is a …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementPTA

    by Brianna Richard, on Jul 1, 2021 11:47:21 AM

    Teachers, administration, families, and the PTA all have a common goal, to support student success. There are many strategies to assist students to become successful and reach their full potential …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementStudent SuccessPTA

    by Crystal Gammon, on Jun 18, 2021 11:50:47 AM

    One of the greatest recipes for a school's success is active stakeholder participation. Studies show that principals that communicate with their community have more success in gaining public support, minimal …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementengagementPrincipals

    by Crystal Gammon, on May 14, 2021 12:15:00 PM

    One of the most significant factors in student academic success is maintaining ongoing positive parent-teacher communication. Building relationships with parents help create strong relationships and increases parent involvement. It is …

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    Topics:parent communicationParental EngagementEmpathy

    by Crystal Gammon, on Apr 27, 2021 12:14:28 PM

    Equity in education is an ongoing issue. Educators have begun to truly study the problem and start initiatives to create a safe, equitable learning environment for students with diverse backgrounds …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementEquity in Education