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    Bloomz Blog


    by Bloomz, on Jun 29, 2015 2:40:49 PM

    Being a teacher, I like to organize…. my classroom. The more color coded I can be- the better. I love matching baskets. I freak out over the dollar section at …

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    Topics:tipTeacher appteacherCommunity Supporteventsclassroom communityStrategiesTips & Trickstime saving

    by Bloomz, on Jun 26, 2015 4:23:02 AM

    1. Why did you become a teacher? Ice-cream taster didn't pay enough? ;) No really, I babysat from the time I was 12 on. I had a babysitting kit before …

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    Topics:Awesome TeachersFeatured Teacher

    by Bloomz, on Jun 23, 2015 10:31:32 PM

    As summer begins, I wanted to find an article that highlighted things teachers could do over the summer. But when I tried to find ideas- I found list after list …

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    Topics:Featured ArticleReflectionSummer

    by Bloomz, on Jun 19, 2015 3:13:44 PM

    1. Why did you become a teacher? I've always loved teaching others. Every night at dinner, when I was growing up, we took turns sharing what we had learned at …

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    Topics:Awesome TeachersFeatured Teacher

    by Bloomz, on Jun 17, 2015 1:39:50 PM

    My older son is in the 4th grade. That means he has been in school for 5 years (not counting preschool). That is 45 months, 195 weeks, or 975 days …

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    Topics:parent communicationParental EngagementMel's Storiestipparent

    by Bloomz, on Jun 15, 2015 1:09:26 PM

    Let’s face it. Humans love information. It helps us make informed decisions, learn new things, get to know others as well as ourselves, and SO much more. In our current …

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    Topics:Parental EngagementtipNotificationsemailTips & Tricks

    by Bloomz, on Jun 12, 2015 4:08:30 AM

    This week I wanted to share with you one of my favorite Educators of all time - Cate Maier. When I graduated college and thought I was going to do …

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    Topics:Awesome TeachersFeatured Teacher

    by Bloomz, on Jun 9, 2015 1:59:24 AM

    Checking the mail is something I dread daily. There are always bills to pay, as well as plenty of junk mail that I will never open or look at. Then …

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    Topics:Featured ArticleWriting